Jasmeen is the founder of B.L.I.S.S.

She supports beings into shamanic processes of deep transformation through guided journeys, embodiment practices, emotional body integration and tantra. She grew up in Egypt with an Egyptian father and an Austrian mother, and has connected deeply to the culture and her ancestors from a young age. On her Kemetic/ Ancient Egyptian path, the Blue Lotus has become her totem medicine. She has lovingly served it on her world travels since 2014.

Jasmeen has been facilitating with the temple arts since 2014 and offers ceremonies and rituals on her travels. She offers Journeys on the Nile each year visiting the ancient temples as well as a yearly pilgrimage retreat to Samothraki in Greece.

Her studies and degrees involve, a BA in Mass media and sociology, 3 years of classical theatre, diplomas in tantric studies and practices, kinesiology, 600 Hrs of Ancient Egyptian Yoga, theosophical esoterics, ayurveda, many courses in massage from different traditions, 3,5 years of apprenticeship with Highden mystery school, further studies in african cosmology…. and much more.

A Personal Letter from Jasmeen

Hello my name is Jasmeen 

A devotee to the queen of love and a lover of grace.

I walk the Kemetic path as is in my lineage and seek to restore the powers of this ancient culture to support the emergence of a new civilisation built on the foundation of love, trust, power, prosperity and beauty. 

My offering is based on the deep wisdom teachings of ancient Egypt merged with more modern day transpersonal psychology, esoteric psychology and embodiment practices. Uniting the shamanic with the spiritual as life force integrated all things into pure power and divinity. 

S.exual energy or life force energy is a sacred part of this school for it is the creator of all things. We honour this life force and welcome it into our lives as vitality, beauty and divine presence. 

I am humbled to be stewarding two schools. One which is the digital school B.L.I.S.S. school honouring all of life through the blessing of the Blue Lotus flower. 

The other is a land based temple community and sanctuary right next to the temple of Auset/Auset. A grounded temple school at these times of great change on our planet. 

In 2003 I went through a severe dark night of the soul. I was 17 years old and I had tried to take my life. I wanted so badly to be free and so by jumping off my school building, I felt I would obtain the wings I longed to fly. 

I vowed to myself that if I survived and had an experience of dying that I remembered I would come back to share the true nature of heaven and hell. 

And so, at the tender age of 18 I was able to walk again and find my strength. I never looked back. 

I took every step with the dream of landing Heaven on Earth and not waiting for it in the after life. 

My upbringing in Cairo Egypt had a profound effect on my destiny. It opened up my vision and inner sight profoundly to an ancient memory that I had access to of this sacred land. I kept sensing that there was purpose for my life connected to ancient prophecy and that an adventure awaited me and other loved ones. 

With my sudden drastic change of behaviour being challenging for my parents, my father advised me to leave Egypt.  I was no longer the silent devout religious girl. I was wild and free in my mind and needed to travel. I was also extremely overwhelmed by the powerful openings inside that Egypt seemed to invoke in me. 

I left to London to finish a year of university, where I graduated from the Mass Media arts and political science section. Not long after I craved the esoteric and spiritual and found myself in India for almost 1,5 years in deep meditative practices,  as well as Germany for 4 years in the study of natural healing, theatre and the tantric arts, and 15 years of travel globally including most continents, even the Antarctic.  

My quest for what was true and real was so alive and burning in me. The soul in me is a driving force to experience LIFE in its fullest and to meet others on the path. To experience LIFE in its totality. To meet the tribe that became my family and to eventually travel and facilitate transformative workshops all over the world. 

ISTA was and is a very vital part of my life. It supported me to actually land in my body and find my voice and power. It welcomed all my parts and so I was able to thrive and feel welcomed in my totality. 

One place I kept revisiting was Egypt, to meet my family and friends and yet to deeply embrace on pilgrimage each and every year. The Kemetic yoga teacher training with Ursula landed at that time including other profound journeys  until one day it all clicked. 

The shamanic work I had been doing, the tantric work, the spiritual, the yoga, the new earth building.. all of it merged in a simple geometry and this is the foundation of B.L.I.S.S. school. 

An innovative and globally inspired hub for the modern day mystic and seeker, longing to not just know yet embody and CREATE and be a CO CREATOR of heaven on Earth now.

A modern day mystery school demystifying and making it available to  all. 

A tribute to nature and the great mother of all creation 

A sanctuary for peace and tranquillity 

A homecoming. 

Welcome home beloved.

You are more powerful than you realise and your being has a vital place in this geometry of new earth. 

I must thank my dear friends and mentors, Bruce Lyon, Komala lyra, Dez Nichols. Janine Ma Ree, Ursula Van Graan, Mona Rabie and brother Aunkh for all your support in making me who I am today. I am fortunate to call my mentors some of my deepest and truest friends and allies. What a gift. 

Also thank you to Goenkaji from Vipassana global for finding inner balance and also Osho for your full permission slip to be myself. 

My Life Story - A Personal Voice Share