Sacred Sexuality Mentorship 

Are you ready to reclaim your birthright to BLISS, awaken to your pleasure and remember your sacred, sexual self? 

Rooted in the sacred traditions of Ancient Kemet, this mentorship offers an authentic education focused on sensuality, sexuality, and the sacred union of masculine/feminine polarities. 

This is an opportunity to open a sacred container to strengthen your path of sensuality and sexuality - whether you are a man, women, or in a partnership. 

Drawing inspiration from the divine unions of Ancient Egypt—the sacred bonds of Auset and Ausar, and of Het Heru and Horus—we will explore the mystical and sacred aspects of sexuality, cultivating a deeper sense of empowerment and self-awareness. 

Exploring stories, rituals and magic passed down through the ages, we will recalibrate your relationship with intimacy and nurture a deeper connection with your own sexuality.

This container is for beings who:

  • Feel disempowered and would like to cultivate a better relationship with their power (which can also be applied to money)
  • Are seeking to connect more with their feminine, sensual side and their erected masculine
  • Want to connect with the more mystical and sacred aspects of sexuality
  • Are on a sacred union, or tantric path and are looking for a way to expand their knowledge
  • Seek to welcome a divine, sacred, loving partnership into their life
  • Feel that a mystical path will enable them to fully embrace their sacred sexuality 
  • Wish to learn to embrace the magic and power that sexuality can awaken 
  • Feels deeply moved by the path of Auset / Isis and her Union with Ausar and the birth of Heru/ Horus  
  • Are drawn to the sex magick rituals of Ancient Kemet
  • Feel drawn to Magdelena  and her path of initiation in the ancient temples 
  • Need a boost and reset in their bodies and sensual relating to life 
  • Feel slightly confused and polarised and wish to experience more Union and peace within

This container is also suitable for couples already in partnership who wish to deepen on  their journey together.

Your permission slip to live your fullest, most BLISSFUL life



 1 session: 300 eur 


3 sessions: 800 eur

10 sessions: 2700 eur

12 sessions: 3100 eur 

The same price applies for couples or individuals. 

Your Journey Awaits...

Book a free 20 minute discovery call today.

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